Product Detail

Catalog Mode for WooCommerce



2.0 (31.10.2023)
- feature: WooCommerce HPOS compatibility
- update: WooCommerce 8.+ compatibility
- update: WordPress 6.3.+ compatibility

1.9 (09.07.2020)
- bugfix: Fixed compatibility issue with Slider Revolution
- update: WooCommerce 4+ compatibility fixes
- update: WordPress 5.4+ compatibility fixes

1.8 (27.03.2018)
- update: Plugin compatible with WooCommerce 3.7.x

1.7 (17.01.2017)
- update: Plugin compatible with WooCommerce 3.2.3

- feature: Option to show catalog or not show catalog with respect to the language choosen
- feature: Option to show catalog or not show catalog is applied to the same product 
- feature: Option to show catalog or not show catalog does not require to duplicate the product

1.6 (15.07.2015)
- bugfix: Issue with variables products
- bugfix: Improving Catalog Mode compatibility with third party themes

1.5 (27.05.2015)
- feature: WooCoomerce  2.3.x compatiblity 
- bugfix: Support for variable products

1.4 (05.05.2015)
- feature: Catalog Mode can now be enabled per product categories
- feature: Show cart button

1.3 (05.05.2015)
- feature: New button skin called woocommerce default that will adapt to the theme styles
- feature: WPML compatibility
- bugfix: Previous skins now will adapt with the theme buttons (animation of the buttons for example not styles)

1.2 (05.05.2015)
- feature: hide price tag for not logged in users
- bugfix: CSS loading cleanup

1.1 (05.05.2015)
- feature: disable catalog mode for logged in users (globally and per product)

1.0 (05.05.2015)
- initial release

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