Product Detail

SUMO Reward Points - WooCommerce Reward System



  • Complete Reward Points System
  • Built on Top of WooCommerce
  • Points with Expiry
  • Nominee Feature for Charity
  • Make your Customers loyal using SUMO Reward Points
  • Reward Points for Product Purchase, Signup, Writing Reviews, Referrals, Coupon Codes, Blog Post etc
  • Reward Points can set at Product Level, Category Level and Global Level
  • Reward Points for Social Promotion such as Facebook like, Facebook share, Twitter tweet and Google+ share
  • Social (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, VK.com) Share for Referral Links
  • Update SUMO Reward Points Options in Product Level/Category Level for Existing Product/Category
  • Encashing Reward Points
  • Buying Reward Points
  • Member can Send Points to other Members
  • Member Level Feature
  • Strictly Point Pricing
  • Reward Points Payment Gateway
  • Redeem Points Option on Checkout Page
  • Exclude Products/Categories from Redeeming Points
  • Include Products/Categories which when added to Cart only Redeeming Points can be done
  • Refer a Friend feature to promote Referrals
  • Gift Vouchers with Reward Points
  • Bulk Gift Voucher Creation
  • Reward Points for Payment Gateways
  • Point Conversion Rate can be set
  • Minimum Points for First time redeeming
  • Minimum Points Balance for redeeming
  • Minimum Cart Total for redeeming
  • Maximum Points for Redeeming on Cart can be set
  • Maximum Discount for Reward Points Gateway
  • Hide Apply Coupon Form in Cart Page
  • Shortcodes Supported
  • Import/Export Users and Reward Points in CSV
  • Restrict/Ban Users from Earning and Redeeming Points by User Role/Individual Members
  • Referral Reward should be applied when Members are x Days Old
  • Username or User Id as Referral Key
  • SMS Notification using Twilio or Nexmo
  • API support for Developers
  • Extensive Customization Options
  • Translation Ready
  • WPML, WPML String Translation and WooCommerce Multilingual Compatible – Please note you need all these 3 Plugins for Multi Language Mails to work
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Booking Plugin Version 1.4.2
  • Compatible with Dynamic Pricing Plugin
  • and more

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  • Since 28/11/2023
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