Product Detail

Woocommerce Store Closing

  • Set opening and closing times each day up to three different times for your online store.
  • When store closing is activated on your system, you can show a notification and hide the “add to cart” button.
  • There is an option for only showing notifications. This way you can keep your store open for orders but still can communicate with your customers.
  • “General message” can be used as an information board, you can write any text you want and inform your customers, it doesn’t need to be related to Store closing.
  • You can change your CSS depending on your active hours.
  • “Shortcode” feature allows you to show your notification wherever you want.
  • “Countdown” is a great feature for notifications. You can use it to show customers a countdown for the opening time of the store.
  • Our plugin supports “User Roles”, so you may assign a store manager to deal with opening and closing times.
  • Even if you have no knowledge of coding, you can create very smart and eye-catching notification messages.
  • You can see your store status on the WordPress Dashboard, easy to understand if it is open or closed.
  • Setup is a lot easier for first-time users. With one click you can do all settings and arrange them for your needs with the auto setup feature with lots of pre-made settings.
  • Always up to date with the latest versions of WordPress and WooCommerce. Store closing plugin always worked without a problem in five years of its lifespan. We manage to update it directly for recent changes and we’ll continue to update and improve it.

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