Product Detail

WooCommerce Catalog Mode


“WooCommerce Catalog Mode” plugin can TURN OFF shopping or cart related functionalities from an WooCommerce web store.

If you install and activate this plugin, CATALOG ONLY MODE will be activated sitewide. In catalog mode “Add to Cart” buttons will be removed from the full shop, so shopping/purchasing functionality will be disabled. Visitors will be able to view the products and their details only. Optionally, they can make a query to the site administrator using a customized button.

Price tags with the products can be kept hidden or shown as per administrator settings.

There is an option to add a CUSTOM BUTTON with each product. A common link/url can be binded with this button or it can simply redirect the visitors to the product detail page. Link can be opened in the same window or in a separate one.

This button, if added, will inherit the look and feel of the active theme automatically.

Just plug and play. Install and activate this plugin, site will move to catalog mode automatically and instantly.

Please Note: Product variations (if exists) will not work when Catalog mode remains active.

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  • Since 05/11/2023
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