Product Detail

WooCommerce CyberSource Payment Gateway


= 1.43.38 =

- 24 Nov 2023
- UPDATE: Update Code WM & SOP for High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)

= 1.42.38 =

- 21 Nov 2023
- UPDATE: add code to support High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS)
- UPDATE: Remove SOAP Toolkit in the Dropdown list menu integration
- FIXED: fixed php8 deprecated code

= 1.41.38 =

- 22 August 2023
- FIXED: Soap Toolkit Integration

= 1.41.37 =

- 14 April 2023
- FIXED: add order id reference in mdd19
- FIXED: default address length to 60 characters for all cybersource integration

= 1.41.36 =

- 23 Feb 2023
- FIXED: default address length to 60 characters for all cybersource processor

= 1.41.35 =

- 20 Nov 2022
- FIXED: Settings Warnings.
- FIXED: MDD3 & MDD4 strip tags

= 1.41.34 =

- 19 Oct 2022
- UPDATE: SOP and SO add card backend validation.
- UPDATE: SO API end points

= 1.41.33 =

- 25 Sep 2022
- UPDATE: WPML Supported.

= 1.40.33 =

- 15 Aug 2022
- FIXED: fix the mdd function already exist.

= 1.40.32 =

- 30 July 2022
- UPDATE: Secure Acceptance Hosted and Checkout API MDD fields Integration.
- UPDATE: Secure Acceptance Hosted and Checkout API Shipping fields override.

= 1.39.32 =
- 15 June 2022
- FIXED: duplicate or validator and error message

= 1.39.31 =
- 12 June 2022
- FIXED: Add duplicate order number validator

= 1.39.30 =
* 25 March 2022
* UPDATE: Order ID validator

= 1.38.30 =
* 30 January 2022
* UPDATE: Cybersource signature verification plugin settings

= 1.37.30 =
* 29 December 2021
* FIXED: Card expiry input

= 1.37.29 =
* 19 December 2021
* UPDATE: Hosted Checkout refund(void and capture)
* UPDATE: Checkout API refund(void, reversal and capture)
* UPDATE: Soap Toolkit API refund (void, reversal and capture)

= 1.36.29 =
* 08 December 2021
* Fixed: unsigned fields for Hosted checkout and Checkout API
* UPDATE: add the customer payment method

= 1.35.28 =
* 26 August 2021
* Fixed: special chars in customer information

= 1.35.27 =
* 30 April 2021
* Fixed: Cybersource Deprecated and error notices

= 1.35.26 =
* 22 April 2021
* UPDATE: Cybersource Secure Acceptance Default Order status

= 1.34.26 =
* 17 January 2021
* FIXED: Cybersource Secure Acceptance redirect wc_add_notice in checkout page

= 1.34.25 =
* 15 January 2021
* UPDATE: Custom page setting redirect
* UPDATE: WM and SOP Order status
* UPDATE: Remove payment fields filter()

= 1.33.25 =
15 December 2020
UPDATE: SOAP add a payment method
UPDATE: SOAP add payment tokenization
UPDATE: SA change redirect page to cart page if the decision is an error/canceled

= 1.32.25 =
* 27 November 2020
* FIXED:  Cannot redeclare tgmpa()

= 1.32.24 =
* 15 November 2020
* UPDATE: Cybersource Secure Acceptance Signed Field Names Signature Verification
* FIXED:  Cybersource Secure Acceptance Saved Customer Token

= 1.31.23 =
* 22 September 2020
* UPDATE: Envato Market WordPress Plugin integration for remote plugin updates

= 1.30.23 =
* 17 September 2020
* FIXED: WC order and Cybersource status bugs
* TESTED: WC 4.4.1
* TESTED: WP 5.5.1

= 1.30.22 =
* 30 June 2020
* UPDATE: Mask Card code settings
* UPDATE: SO/SOAP Void Transaction
* UPDATE: SO/SOAP error message with reason code
* UPDATE: WM/SOP error message with reason code

= 1.29.22 =
* 22 April 2020
* UPDATE: purchase level payment card allowed
* UPDATE: Custom Cardholder Message

= 1.28.22 =
* 01 April 2020
* UPDATE: Secure Acceptance WC/Cybersource status sync

= 1.27.22 =
* 27 March 2020
* FIXED: SO capture bug  number format
* FIXED: SO capture button bug multi language

= 1.27.21 =
* 23 March 2020
* UPDATE: SO additional level 3 paramaters
- 'purchaseTotals_dutyAmount'
- 'purchaseTotals_freightAmount'
- 'purchaseTotals_discountAmount'
* UPDATE: SO Auto-capture
* FIXED: SO Fixed multiple Items
* FIXED: SO Fixed Unit Price

= 1.26.20 =
* 07 February 2020
* UPDATE: SO Purchasing Level 2 & Level 3 Processing
* UPDATE: SO Purchasing Level Units of Measurement
* UPDATE: SO Purchasing Level Item Commodity Code
* FIXED: pcode bug extra unused params

= 1.25.19 =
* 19 January 2020
* UPDATE: SO add void button for SOAP
* UPDATE: SO add void capture for SOAP
* UPDATE: SO add void reversal for SOAP
* UPDATE: Removed REST API module because it confusing to the customer. I will create a separate plugin for this module.

= 1.24.19 =
* 8 January 2020
* UPDATE: REST API Device Fingerprinting Implementation
* FIXED: REST API BUG response code 00

= 1.23.18 =
* 31 December 2019
* UPDATE: update default signed field names
* FIXED: remove rest API capture button in the sop and wm
* UPDATE: MMD REST API implemented

= 1.22.17 =
* 19 October 2019
* UPDATE: REST API Integration
* TWEAK: Adjustable Customer Address length settings

= 1.21.16 =
* 8 September 2019
* UPDATE: Silent Order Post (SOP) Subscription Integration

= 1.20.16 =
* 27 July 2019
* UPDATE: Payment Settings
* FIXED: billing address validation max length
* TESTED: Wordpress Version up to 5.2.2
* TESTED: WooCommerce Version up to 3.6.5
* TESTED: PHP 7 Version up to 7.2.20
* TESTED: MySQL Version up to 5.6.41-84.1

= 1.19.15 =
* 20 July 2019
* FIXED: save token not working in the first time checkout
* FIXED: PHP SOAP if not exist no method available
* TESTED: Wordpress Version up to 5.2.2
* TESTED: WooCommerce Version up to 3.6.5
* TESTED: PHP 7 Version up to 7.2.20
* TESTED: MySQL Version up to 5.6.41-84.1

= 1.19.14 =
* 05 May 2019
* UPDATE: Envato Author WordPress Plugin Requirements
* UPDATE: WC_Payment_Tokens implementation
* UPDATE: add order id into cybersource_add_signed_field_names filter to apply_filters( 'cybersource_add_signed_field_names', $order_id, true );
* FIXED: Offer-Line Details add new validation for a single quote (') item_x_name

= 1.18.13 =
* 24 Dec 2018
* FIXED: SO and SOP Card Expiration Year
* UPDATE: Add Extra links online documentation and support
* TESTED: Wordpress Version up to 5.0.3
* TESTED: WooCommerce Version up to 3.5.3

= 1.18.12 =
* 03 Nov 2018
* UPDATE: depricated calls for WC 3.5.x
* FIXED: payment form html
* TESTED: Wordpress Version up to 4.9.9
* TESTED: WooCommerce Version up to 3.5.1

= 1.17.11 =
* 06 Oct 2018
* UPDATE: Add random number in consumer_id if guest user.
* UPDATE: Add save token if merchant notication is active.
* FIXED: Deprecated woocommerce order_key
* FIXED: Deprecated woocommerce WC_Cart::get_checkout_url()
* FIXED: Deprecated woocommerce get order id
* FIXED: Deprecated woocommerce get status
* FIXED: Deprecated woocommerce woocommerce_clean
* FIXED: Deprecated woocommerce credit_card_form
* TESTED: Wordpress Version up to 4.9.9
* TESTED: WooCommerce Version up to 3.4.5

= 1.16.10 =
* 05 July 2018
* UPDATE: License API URI Validator

= 1.15.10 =
* 30 June 2018
* UPDATE: Support WooCommerce Subscription Addon

= 1.14.10 =
* 06 June 2018
* UPDATE: add consumer_id field in Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile
* UPDATE: Merchant Notifications Post URL Supported (http://my-store.com/?wc-api=WC_API_Cybersource_SAWM&mnp=1).
* UPDATE: Redirection Message CSS Div Block Mobile Responsive Supported.
* TESTED: Wordpress Version up to 4.9.9
* TESTED: WooCommerce Version up to 3.3.5

= 1.13.10 =
* 10 Mar 2018
* FIXED: woocommerce_clean is deprecated.
* FIXED: item name with special characters.
* FIXED: bill_to_company_name maximmum of string(40) length error
* NEW: add new feature counter check for the order status if the cybersource payment success but the order status still pending

= 1.12.9 =
* 21 Jan 2018
* NEW: add new readme.txt for plugin compatibality.
* FIXED:  Simple Order API (SOAP) - SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load
* TESTED: Wordpress Version up to 4.9
* TESTED: WooCommerce Version up to 3.2

= 1.11.8 =
* 01 Dec 2017
* NEW: Fingerprint Device ID Profiler
* New: Multisite Supported
* UPDATE: Simple Order API (SOAP) -  Options Settings to disable Address Verification Services (AVS)
* UPDATE: Options to set Accepted Card Logos

= 1.10.7 =
* 09 Oct 2017
* UPDATE: Web/Mobile Save Card / eCheck Options

= 1.9.6 =
* 09 Sept 2017
* UPDATE: Total amount type order to (double).
* UPDATE: Add new settings for MDD Fields.
* UPDATE: Add New settings CodeCanyon Purchase Code Activation.
* FIXED:  Bugs when submitting cart item name to cybersource with '"'.

= 1.8.5 (30 july 2017 ) =
UPDATE: Additional Signed Field Names
        - merchant_id
        - Merchant Defined Data (MDD) Fields
UPDATE: Request and Response Logger for Cybersource Simple Order API(SOAP)
FIXED: Removed Order Noted ($order->add_order_note()) call function creating error on transaction_response()  

= 1.7.4 (16 july 2017 ) =
NEW: Cybersource APIs option settings
      - Simple Order API (SOAP)
      - Secure Acceptance Silent Order POST
      - Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile
      - Secure Acceptance Web/Mobile & Silent Order POST
NEW: additional custom code functionality Merchant Defined Data (MDD) Fields add_filter implementation.      
UPDATE: Cybersource Profile credentials live and test option settings
UPDATE: additional settings disable round off total amount
UPDATE: additional settings disable round off line tax amount and line total amount
UPDATE: additional Generate HEADER HTML function into the settings
UPDATE: additional Generate HR HTML function into the settings
FIXED: Support WC version 3.x Customer information getters function during checkout and order receipt.
FIXED: Get Product SKU.

= 1.6.3 (28 mar 2017) =
UPDATE: Additional Signed Field Names

= 1.5.3 (11 mar 2017) =
FIXED: item_0_unit_price invalid format.

= 1.5.2 (02 mar 2017) =
UPDATE: Checkout Reference Order Id change to Order No.
UPDATE: Auto Detect if order is virtual. the order status is automatically complete after payment.
FIXED: Web/Mobile Secure Acceptance not using token.

= 1.4.1 (16 feb 2017) =
UPDATE: Option to set enable save card.

= 1.3.1 (06 feb 2017) =
FIXED: Fatal error, Can't use method return value in write context line 437
FIXED: Logger Request and Response Parameters

= 1.3.0 (14 Nov 17) =
UPDATE: Additional Signed Field Names
ship_to_address_city, ship_to_address_country, ship_to_address_line1, ship_to_address_line2, ship_to_address_postal_code, ship_to_address_state, ship_to_forename, ship_to_phone, ship_to_surname, tax_amount, item_#_name, item_#_code, item_#_quantity, item_#_sku, item_#_unit_price, item_#_tax_amount, line_item_count
UPDATE: Additional Offer-Line Details Settings
UPDATE: Plugin Name and Description Update
UPDATE: Payment Gateway method title and Description Update
UPDATE: Additional plugin settings links

= 1.2.0 (22 Nov 17) =
UPDATE: Storing card tokens for future payments
UPDATE: Web/Mobile and SOP Integration

= 1.0.0 (21 july 15) =
INIT: Initial release version

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