Product Detail

Control Locations - WordPress Map Finder Plugin for Store Locator & Service Center


Key Features:

  • No API Key Required : Utilizes OpenStreetMap without the need for an API key, making it ideal for businesses such as medical stores and service centers.
  • Multiple Template Variations : Choose from a variety of templates to match your website’s design, perfect for a pet care center or a store locator.
  • Easy Settings & Customization: User-friendly settings for effortless customization, whether you’re a location tracker or a location finder.
  • Elementor Supported : Seamlessly integrates with the Elementor page builder, allowing you to create a stunning location map with ease.
  • WPBakery Page Builder Supported: Compatible with WPBakery Page Builder for easy layout customization, a great choice for a medical store’s website.
  • Customize Markers & Clusters Design: Tailor the look of markers and clusters to suit your brand, essential for a store locator or pet care center.
  • Gutenberg Blocks Available: Access ready-to-use Gutenberg blocks for quick implementation, perfect for any location-based project.
  • Any Theme Supported: Works harmoniously with any WordPress theme of your choice, whether you’re a service center or a pet care facility.
  • Optimized for Site Speed: Designed for optimal site performance and loading speed, ensuring a seamless experience for location search and map users.
  • Routing & Directions: Provide users with route planning and directions to your locations, a must-have for store finders and location trackers.
  • Well Documentation: Comprehensive documentation to guide you through setup and customization, beneficial for businesses of all types.
  • Regular Support & Updates : Count on ongoing support and updates to keep your plugin up to date, benefiting both pet care centers and medical stores.

Enhance your website’s location-based services with Control Locations. Whether you’re running a pet care center, a medical store, or a service center, this plugin offers the perfect solution for all your location mapping and search needs.

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