Product Detail

FS Poster - WordPress Social Auto Poster & Scheduler


Supported social networks

You will be able to publish your posts/pages/products to 21 social networks and services at the same time:
  1. Facebook ( accounts, pages, groups )
  2. Twitter ( accounts, first comment )
  3. Instagram ( accounts, stories, first comment, link in bio )
  4. Threads
  5. TikTok ( planly.com )
  6. Linkedin ( accounts, companies )
  7. Pinterest ( account boards )
  8. Youtube (community)
  9. Reddit ( accounts, subreddits, first comment )
  10. Tumblr ( accounts )
  11. VK.com ( accounts, pages, groups, events )
  12. OK.ru ( accounts, groups )
  13. Telegram ( chats, channels, groups )
  14. Medium ( profiles, publications )
  15. Google Business Profile ( locations )
  16. WordPress based sites
  17. Plurk
  18. Blogger
  19. Discord (channels)
  20. Mastodon
  21. Webhook

Auto-post New Blog Posts:

Auto-post is a way to post your content to your social media accounts automatically.
Creating a new post is not a big thing. However, sharing the new post to all your social network accounts is time-consuming and boring.
Most businesses have hundreds of accounts, pages, groups, etc. to be engaged with their readers and customers.
That is the reason we need automation, which will allow us to share our posts on those accounts without paying monthly fees and spending any of our valuable time.
Sharing your posts using FS Poster is extremely simple.
After installing and configuring social media scheduler plugin on your website and adding your accounts to the plugin, you just need to publish your WordPress post.
The plugin will do the rest for you.
FS Poster lets you share your first comment on Instagram, Twitter, and Reddit posts!
With FS Poster, you can automatically display Facebook comments on your website post comments.

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