Product Detail

Nest - Multivendor Organic & Grocery Laravel eCommerce


Nest – Multivendor Organic & Grocery Laravel eCommerce

Nest is an attractive Laravel multivendor eCommerce script specially designed for the multipurpose shops like mega store, grocery store, supermarket, organic shop, and online stores selling products like beverages, vegetables, fruits, ice creams, paste, herbs, juice, meat, cold drinks, sausages, cocktails, soft drinks, cookies…

We have a dedicated support center for all of your support needs. It includes our Documentation and Ticket system for any questions you have. We usually get back to you within 12-24 hours.


  • Homepage: https://nest.botble.com
  • Admin panel: https://nest.botble.com/admin
  • Admin account: botble – 159357 (username & password are autofilled)
  • Customer login page: https://nest.botble.com/login
  • Customer account: vendor@botble.com – 12345678
  • Vendor dashboard: https://nest.botble.com/vendor/dashboard
  • Vendor account: vendor@botble.com – 12345678
  • Key Features

    • Buy One Time & Get Free Updates Forever Free updates forever
    • Free Theme Installation – If you will face any problem during installation – we will help you and It’s FREE
    • Multi-language, unlimited languages.
    • RTL support, both admin panel and front theme.
    • Fully Ecommerce features: product catalog, product attributes, product variations, product collections, discounts, shipping…
      • Sell Simple or Variable Products
      • Built-in Order Tracking page
      • Unlimited Categories & Sub-Categories
      • Filter Products (e.g. by size, color, brands, categories, etc.)
      • Optional Wishlist
      • Color, Label, and Image Swatches
      • Frequently Bought Together
      • Advanced Typography
      • Single checkout page
      • Support many payment methods: PayPal, Stripe, Paystack, Razorpay, Mollie, SSLCommerz…
      • Multi-currency
      • Guest checkout
    • Page, blog, menu, contact, newsletter, slider… modules are provided with the use of components to avoid boilerplate code.
    • Powerful media system, also support Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Wasabi.
    • SEO & sitemap support: access sitemap.xml to see more.
    • Google Analytics: display analytics data in admin panel.
    • Translation tool: easy to translate front theme and admin panel to your language.
    • Beautiful theme is ready to use.
    • Powerful Permission System: Manage user, team, role by permissions. Easy to manage user by permissions.
    • Admin template comes with color schemes to match your taste.
    • Fully Responsive: Compatible with all screen resolutions.
    • Coding Standard: All code follow coding standards PSR-2 and best practices.
    • Notes

      • CONSIDERING PURCHASING OUR ITEM? Please view our support section

      Free plugins

      There are some free plugins available on our Marketplace

      Those plugins are working fine for products based on Botble CMS.

      We won’t support free plugins and free plugins may not compatible with the current version. If you need support for free plugins, please create an issue on GitHub, the plugin’s author will support you.

      Don’t forget to give us a star on GitHub repository if you use our free plugins.


      • Apache, nginx, or another compatible web server.
      • PHP >= 8.1 >> Higher
      • MySQL Database server
      • PDO PHP Extension
      • OpenSSL PHP Extension
      • Mbstring PHP Extension
      • Exif PHP Extension
      • Fileinfo Extension
      • XML PHP Extension
      • Ctype PHP Extension
      • JSON PHP Extension
      • Tokenizer PHP Extension
      • Module Re_write server
      • PHP_CURL Module Enable

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  • Since 05/11/2023
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First Release


Compatible Browsers

IE10 , Microsoft Edge , Chrome , Opera , Safari , Firefox

Files Included

JavaScript JS , HTML , CSS , PHP , SQL

Software Framework

Laravel 8